Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Eclipse plug-ins every Developer should use

Eclipse Marketplace continues to be the place to discover interesting and relevant Eclipse plugins. There are over 100,000 successful installs/month of Eclipse-based products via the Eclipse Marketplace client. We have a list of the most popular plugins over the last 30 days and all time. I thought it would be interesting to look at what are the most popular new plugins in the last 12 months.

– Maven integration with WTP. Also #4 on the most popular chart
– jQuery autocompletion support for Eclipse JSDT
– Groovy IDE
– Eclipse plugin for ZK framework
– Running a web application in Eclipse should be as simple as ‘clicking run’.
– UML class and sequence diagram editor
7. P4Eclipse 
– Eclipse plugin for Perforce code management
– Extends CDT to show more context around C/C++ brackets
9. Vrapper 
– Imitate vim within Eclipse editors
– Inspect, understand and debug Java bytecode

If you have any queries/feedback, please write it in comments section below OR mail me here : Snehal[at]Techproceed[dot]com

Happy Development :-)

How to Import a Android Project (.apk file or folders) into Eclipse

Whether you have an .apk file or an unpacked folder with the android files within, these steps will help you continue on your quest. If you haven’t unpacked the .apk file yet, you want to check the below article:

How to Decrypt, Unpack, and Edit .apk files

It contains step by step on how to unpack .apk files correctly and easily.

Once you’ve unpacked your file. Continue below steps:

  • You need to download Eclipse and Android SDK for these steps. Luckily they are already in a bundle. And here’s the link. Download Bundle.
  • File -> Import -> Android Code into Workspace -> (Select Root Directory (folder) of the Application you are importing) -> Check the (Copy projects into Workspace [checkbox]) -> Click Finish
  • Go Take a break
  • Now nerd out on your new app.

If you have any queries/feedback, please write it in comments section below OR mail me here : Snehal [at] Techproceed [dot] com

Happy Androiding :-)