- SAM - Virus

Is your computer infected by virus named -SAM - ? Are you not able to surf your favorite websites like orkut or proxy sites ? Irritated due to activities of that virus? Here is the solution !!

One thing I want make clear is that, This is not a “Computer virus”. (You may check the definition of that word on the net) Then what exactly is it ?

It is actually a computer program designed to block the website not expected in colleges, companies or any other official places. This -SAM- program will only block pornographic sites, harmful sites and sites like orkut, my space n so on.

What can be assured is it will not harm your computer in any way, also its not having any kind of destructive purpose. Instead if -SAM- is running, rest of the viruses cant exist in the same computer, yes this is one of the best features of -SAM- program.

-SAM- was actually a module of our project “System Maintenance Suite” - one of the top 8 softwares awarded in India in IIT TechFest !

-SAM- was spread by mistake while experimenting on college PCs, want to say that it was not spread desperately. Still if you don’t like that you may run the removal of -SAM- provided above.


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