Following is the abstract of my B.E. final year project :
1.1. Preface
We all are living in the computer era where almost everything is automated and computer controlled. This SMART Server also aims to have complete network management. The system administrator or analyst of the company or organization would be pleased if he is given something that will automatically keep track of all inventories present in the campus, something that manages the clients and the web traffic, something that helps him to solve the problems remotely. Now the wait is over. Yes, that abstract “something” is realized as SMART Server. Its acronym for Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology based Server.
In today’s world, all the things mentioned above are of extreme importance. The organization can see the quick snapshot of organization’s IT structure and assure that everything is alright. If not, then it can take the appropriate actions. The real-time reports can surely help the system controller to work more efficiently and fast. The implementation is totally based on “open source projects” like Apache, PHP, etc. So, in turn, the SMART Server inherits the powerful features, for instance, fast and flexible client-server interaction, security, platform independence, etc.
1.2. Statement of Problem
Consider an organization where there are many computers and other related inventory. Now it is quite necessary for the system administrator or analyst to:
- Know all devices connected to IT network.
- Know which software or hardware component is installed on a computer.
- Have ability to deploy software or configuration scripts on computers.
- Keep something between users and the Internet to handle web requests.
- Provide protection for users and use a web cache to make browsing faster.
- Have total traffic management and content filtering.
- Be able to solve software related problems remotely.
1.3. Objectives of Project
Considering the problem statement, moving towards the solution, our project has following objectives.
SMART Server -
- Should have a proxy server that allows Total Access Control, Total Content Security, allows easy scalability in really large environments and most importantly, easy to implement, manage and tweak, as per every-day needs.
- Should determine what the components of your network are, how they are configured and when they change.
- System administrator should be able to resolve the problems remotely.
- It should be platform independent that is works perfectly under Windows, Linux or any other system architecture.
- Should have web based interface so that it must be accessible from any browsers.
Thus, SMART Server, an automated network management suite is exactly “What you want is what you get.”
1.4. Scope of the Project
Keeping track of your machines is an essential enterprise task that facilitates hardware and software management, license compliance, regulatory compliance, and security. Indeed, a successful asset management solution can save companies time, money, and lots of management headaches.
Such a solution is essential for tracking all of your hardware and software assets. It can tell you where they're located, how they're configured, and when any changes are made to them. An asset management solution can provide an audit of manufacturer model and serial number, processor configuration, and even memory installed with free slots. An asset management solution can audit this information quickly and thus help an organization.
Another major job of IT manager is to let the clients use the network bandwidth efficiently. This can be achieved using the caching technique. A proxy server helps in monitoring, controlling the network traffic in extra-ordinary way. Use of Virtual Computing technology to solve the client problems is a good idea, which allows one to control the remote computer machine virtually from any location in the world.
1.5. Organization of the Project
Its acronym for Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology based Server. As its name suggests, it provides self monitoring, analysing and reporting of the related data. For this purpose, SMART Server is organized of the following basic modules –
· SMART Proxy
· SMART Virtual Computing
SMART Proxy:
It is a proxy server is a server which services the requests of its clients by forwarding requests to other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server.
A SMART Proxy can reply to service requests without contacting the specified server, by retrieving content saved from a previous request, made by the same client or even other clients. This is called caching. Caching proxies keep local copies of frequently requested resources, allowing large organizations to significantly reduce their upstream bandwidth usage and cost, while significantly increasing performance. Proxy programs provide a means to deny access to certain URLs in a blacklist, thus providing content filtering.
The auditing module intelligently “discovers” software installed across the computer network, and collects software file information such as title, product ID, size, date, path, and version. It also compares software inventory data with purchasing information to reveal license deficits and ensure that organizations remain compliant with their licensing agreements.
SMART Virtual Computing:
SMART Virtual Computing is a remote control software package derived from the popular VNC software. With SMART Virtual Computing, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.
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